Matt coming across the river followed by Ryan and Brenna.
Ryan and Brenna coming through the river.
A view of Olancha Peak near where we camped.
A burned tree that looked upside down along our hike.
Ryan, Brenna and Chris.
Hiking on the trail through the tall weeds.
A fire in the distance. Chris coming up the last 1000 ft to the peak.
Looking west to the trees and clouds.
Chris taking a picture of Ryan and Brenna coming up.
Mt. Whitney (the dark peak just left of center) on the left
and Mt. Langley (the flat topped one) on the right.
One of the many survey markers on the peak.
Brenna and Ryan up at the summit.
Brenna and Ryan with Mt. Whitney and Mt. Langley behind.
Brenna, Ryan, Chris and me on the peak.
Chris and I on the summit.
A frog was on my tent between the tent and the fly!
Matt driving up behind us with Olancha Peak behind.
Matt crawling up the rock in his truck.
Chris crawling up the rock. :)
Matt belaying Chris while he climbs.
Matt's turn to climb.
Mocha wants to follow.
Stay, Mocha!
Chris near the top.